IRP Discussion Papers - 1976

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1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
The distributional aspects of a tax on externalities
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Sadka, E.
DP 385-76. 1976. 10 pp.
Options in income support for the aged: A critique of the two-tier approach
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Habib, J. and Lerman, R. I.
DP 384-76. 1976. 26 pp.
A cost-effectiveness study of leased public housing
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Morrall, J. F. and Olsen, E. O.
DP 383-76. 1976. 35 pp.
A reappraisal of negative income tax and employment-subsidy approaches to reforming welfare
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Lerman, R. I.
DP 382-76. 1976. 14 pp.
Race, class and income inequality
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Wright, E. O.
DP 381-76. 1976. 35 pp.
The testing and sorting functions of higher education
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Burdett, K.
DP 380-76. 1976. 10 pp.
The use of probit in Tobin's limited dependent variable model with special reference to labour supply studies
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Evans, L. T.
DP 379-76. 1976. 9 pp.
How much does unemployment insurance increase the unemployment rate and reduce work, earnings, and efficiency?
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Garfinkel, I. and Plotnick, R.
DP 378-76. 1976. 39 pp.
Racial stratification and socioeconomic change in the American North and South
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Hogan, D. P. and Featherman, D. L.
DP 377-76. 1976. 45 pp.
Mathematical representations of development theories
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Singer, B. and Spilerman, S.
DP 376-76. 1976. 44 pp.
Social reform groups and law reformers
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Handler, J. F.
DP 375-76. 1976. 58 pp.
On the use of sibling data to estimate the effects of family background, cognitive skills, and schooling: Results from the Kalamazoo Brothers Study
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Olneck, M. R.
DP 374-76. 1976. 56 pp.
A cost-effectiveness analysis of reductions in school expenditures: An application of an educational production function
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Wolfe, B. L.
DP 373-76. 1976. 30 pp.
The benefits and costs of public housing in New York City
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Barton, D. M. and Olsen, E. O.
DP 372-76. 1976. 45 pp.
The impact of the censoring problem on estimating women's occupational attainment equations
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Fligstein, N. and Wolf, W.
DP 371-76. 1976. 26 pp.
Life cycles, educational attainment, and labor markets
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Winsborough, H. H. and Sweet, J. A.
DP 370-76. 1976. 15 pp.
The politics of daycare: The Comprehensive Child Development Act of 1971
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Roth, W.
DP 369-76. 1976. 38 pp.
Some effects of the 1974–1975 recession on the level and distribution of income
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Danziger, S.
DP 368-76. 1976. 13 pp.
Does foreign trade benefit the American working poor?
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Kaufman, B. E.
DP 367-76. 1976. 23 pp.
Economic effects of tax-transfer policy: The potentials and problems of microdata simulations
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Haveman, R. H.
DP 366-76. 1976. 33 pp.
Poverty, income distribution, and social policy: The last decade and the next
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Haveman, R.
DP 365-76. 1976. 30 pp.
The structure of inequality and the process of attainment
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Sørensen, A. B.
DP 364-76. 1976. 40 pp.
Career continuity of female college graduates: Capitalizing upon educational investments
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Del Vento-Bielby, D. and Bielby, W. T.
DP 363-76. 1976. 34 pp.
Estrangement, machismo, and gang violence
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Erlanger, H.
DP 362-76. 1976. 40 pp.
Policy development in unemployment insurance
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Munts, R.
DP 361-76. 1976. 50 pp.
Queuing for union jobs and the social return to schooling
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Bishop, J. H.
DP 360-76. 1976. 38 pp.
Residence location, geographic mobility, and the attainments of women in academia
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Marwell, G., Rosenfeld, R., and Spilerman, S.
DP 359-76. 1976. 31 pp.
The effects of education on occupational status and earnings
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Olneck, M. R.
DP 358-76. 1976. 92 pp.
Response errors of black and nonblack males in models of status inheritance and mobility
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Bielby, W. T., Hauser, R. M., and Featherman, D. L.
DP 357-76. 1976. 67 pp.
Why changing the size distribution of income through the Fisc is now more difficult: Hypotheses from U.S. experience
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Reynolds, M. O. and Smolensky, E.
DP 356-76. 1976. 38 pp.
An equilibrium model of urban population and the distribution of income
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Yinger, J. and Danziger, S.
DP 355-76. 1976. 52 pp.
Measuring wage and occupational discrimination: A comprehensive approach
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Brown, R. S., Moon, M., and Zoloth, B. S.
DP 354-76. 1976. 28 pp.
The subculture of violence thesis: An example of a simultaneous equation model in sociology
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Erlanger, H. S. and Winsborough, H. H.
DP 353-76. 1976. 20 pp.
Changes in AFDC tax rates, 1967–1971
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Hutchens, R. M.
DP 352-76. 1976. 24 pp.
A review article on Jan Tinbergen's Income Distribution: Analysis and Policies
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Haveman, R. H.
DP 351-76. 1976. 34 pp.
Income, economic status, and policy toward the aged
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Moon, M. and Smolensky, E.
DP 350-76. 1976. 26 pp.
A reconceptualization of school effects
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Sørensen, A. B. and Hallinan, M. T.
DP 349-76. 1976. 46 pp.
The symbolic evocation of occupational prestige
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Nilson, L. B. and Edelman, M.
DP 348-76. 1976. 33 pp.
Measuring the effects of race differentials in mortality upon surviving family members
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Sutton, G. F.
DP 347-76. 1976. 31 pp.
The Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976: An analysis and evaluation
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Barth, M. C.
DP 346-76. 1976. 23 pp.
The effect of social reform organizations on the subsequent careers of participants: A follow-up study of early participants in the OEO Legal Services Program
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Erlanger, H. S.
DP 345-76. 1976. 44 pp.
The social reform organizations and recruitment of professionals: Lawyers and the OEO Legal Services Program
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Erlanger, H. S.
DP 344-76. 1976. 46 pp.
Fertility during marital disruption
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Rindfuss, R. R. and Bumpass, L. L.
DP 343-76. 1976. 30 pp.
The traffic in legal services: Lawyer-seeking behavior and the channeling of clients
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Ladinsky, J.
DP 342-76. 1976. 30 pp.
Jensen's twin fantasy
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Goldberger, A. S. and Lewontin, R. C.
DP 341-76. 1976. 8 pp.
On Jensen's method for twins
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Goldberger, A. S.
DP 340-76. 1976. 7 pp.
On the efficiency of income-testing in tax-transfer programs
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Kesselman, J. R. and Garfinkel, I.
DP 339-76. 1976. 60 pp.
Involuntary underemployment among heads of households
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Bates, T.
DP 338-76. 1976. 25 pp.
Response errors of nonblack males in models of the stratification process
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Bielby, W. T., Hauser, R. M., and Featherman, D. L.
DP 337-76. 1976. 42 pp.
Occupations and social mobility in the United States
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Hauser, R. M. and Featherman, D. L.
DP 336-76. 1976. 21 pp.
The measurement and trend of inequality: A basic revision: Comment
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Danziger, S., Haveman, R., and Smolensky, E.
DP 335-76. 1976. 19 pp.
Who pays for the services of America's working poor?
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Williamson, J. G.
DP 334-76. 1976. 36 pp.
Three centuries of American inequality
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Lindert, P. H. and Williamson, J. G.
DP 333-76. 1976. 86 pp.
Food Stamp reform
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MacDonald, M.
DP 332-76. 1976. 33 pp.
Some methodological issues in the analysis of longitudinal surveys
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Singer, B. and Spilerman, S.
DP 331-76. 1976. 56 pp.
Community and industry determinants of the occupational status of black males
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Spilerman, S. and Miller, R. E.
DP 330-76. 1976. 51 pp.
Relative economic status and fertility: Evidence from a cross-section
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MacDonald, M. and Rindfuss, R. R.
DP 329-76. 1976. 25 pp.
Simultaneous statistical inference and statistical power in survey research applications of the general linear model
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Bielby, W. T. and Kluegel, J. R.
DP 326-75. 1976. 43 pp.
A life cycle theory of migration: Whether to migrate as a function of change
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Bishop, J. H.
DP 322-76. 1976. 38 pp.