IRP Discussion Papers - 1993

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1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017

Effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood on high school dropout
[Abstract] [Full text: 45 KB]
Anderson, D.K.
DP 1027-93. 1993. 32 pp.
Supporting children born outside of marriage: Do child support awards keep pace with changes in fathers' incomes?
[Abstract] [Full text: 50 KB]
Meyer, D.R.
DP 1026-93. 1993. 35 pp.
The effect of work and training programs on entry and exit from the welfare caseload
[Abstract] [Full text: 84 KB]
Moffitt, R.A.
DP 1025-93. 1993. 39 pp.
Using survey participants to estimate the impact of nonparticipation
[Abstract] [Full text: 69 KB]
Lin, I-F. and Schaeffer, N.C.
DP 1024-93. 1993. 47 pp.
Trends over time in the educational attainments of single mothers
[Abstract] [Full text: 42 KB]
Brandon, P.D.
DP 1023-93. 1993. 30 pp.
Welfare benefits and family-size decisions of never-married women
[Abstract] [Full text: 64.5 KB]
Robins, P.K., and Fronstin, P.
DP 1022-93. 1993. 36 pp.
Trends in wages, underemployment, and mobility among part-time workers
[Abstract] [Full text: 88 KB]
Jacobs, J.A.
DP 1021-93. 1993. 48 pp.
The earned income tax credit: Participation, compliance, and antipoverty effectiveness
[Abstract] [Full text: 76 KB]
Scholz, J.K.
DP 1020-93. 1993. 42 pp.
Intergenerational transfers and the accumulation of wealth
[Abstract] [Full text: 64 KB]
Gale, W.G., and Scholz, J.K.
DP 1019-93. 1993. 33 pp.
The employment effect in retail trade of California's 1988 minimum wage increase
[Abstract] [Full text: 85.5 KB]
Taylor, L.J., and Kim, T.
DP 1018-93. 1993. 24 pp.
The "misnorming" of the U.S. military entrance examination and its effect on minority enlistments
[Abstract] [Full text: 70 KB]
Angrist, J.D.
DP 1017-93. 1993. 43 pp.
The loss of earnings capability from disability/health limitations: Toward a new social indicator
[Abstract] [Full text: 100.5 KB]
Haveman, R., Wolfe, B., Buron, L., and Hill, S.C.
DP 1016-93. 1993. 60 pp.
Using data on applicants to training programs to measure the program's effects on earnings
[Abstract] [Full text: 57.5 KB]
Cain, G., Bell, S., Orr, L., and Lin, W.
DP 1015-93. 1993. 33 pp.
The education and labor market outcomes of adolescent fathers
[Abstract] [Full text: 126 KB]
Pirog-Good, M.A.
DP 1014-93. 1993. 35 pp.
AFDC-UP, two-parent families, and the Family Support Act of 1988: Evidence from the 1990 CPS and the 1987 NSFH
[Abstract] [Full text: 92 KB]
Winkler, A.E.
DP 1013-93. 1993. 55 pp.
Did FIP increase the self-sufficiency of welfare recipients in Washington state? Evidence from the FIS data set
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.8 MB]
Leigh, D.E.
DP 1012-93. 1993. 63 pp.
The impact of AFDC on young women's childbearing decisions
[Abstract] [Full text: 882 KB]
Acs, G.
DP 1011-93. 1993. 33 pp.
Children's prospects and children's policy
[Abstract] [Full text: 1 MB]
Haveman, R., and Wolfe, B.
DP 1010-93. 1993. 35 pp.
Effects of public and private transfers on income variability and the poverty rate
[Abstract] [Full text: 901 KB]
Gale, W.G., Maritato, N.L., and Scholz, J.K.
DP 1009-93. 1993. 35 pp.
What fathers say about involvement with children after separation
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.2 MB]
Seltzer, J.A., and Brandreth, Y.
DP 1008-93. 1993. 34 pp.
Trends in high school dropout among white, black, and Hispanic youth, 1973 to 1989
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.2 MB]
Hauser, R.M., and Phang, H.S.
DP 1007-93. 1993. 43 pp.
The family background and attitudes of teen fathers
[Abstract] [Full text: 985 KB]
Pirog-Good, M.
DP 1006-93. 1993. 33 pp.
What do controlled experiments reveal about outcomes when treatments vary?
[Abstract] [Full text: 757 KB]
Manski, C.F.
DP 1005-93 1993. 34 pp.
The relationship between child support enforcement tools and child support outcomes
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.2 MB]
Garfinkel, I., and Robins, P.K.
DP 1004-93. 1993. 46 pp.
Attitudes that make a difference: Expectancies and economic progress
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.8 MB]
Szekelyi, M., and Tardos, R.
DP 1003-93. 1993. 64 pp.
The new state welfare initiatives
[Abstract] [Full text: 2.3 MB]
Wiseman, M.
DP 1002-93. 1993. 65 pp.
Trends in the covariance structure of earnings in the United States: 1969-1987
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.3 MB]
Moffitt, R., and Gottschalk, P.
DP 1001-93. 1993. 52 pp.
The causes of declining economic well- being among women who had children as teenagers
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.6 MB]
Butler, A.C.
DP 1000-93. 1993. 56 pp.
Prying the lid from the black box: Plotting evaluation strategy for welfare employment and training programs
[Abstract] [Full text: 212KB]
Greenberg, D., Meyer, R.H., and Wiseman, M.
DP 999-93. 1993. 55 pp.
Inequality and poverty in the United States: 1900 to 1990
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.7 MB]
Smolensky, E., and Plotnick, R.
DP 998-93. 1993. 59 pp.
Child support guidelines and the economic well-being of our nation's children
[Abstract] [Full text: 893 KB]
Pirog-Good, M.A.
DP 997-93. 1993. 27 pp.
Family provisions at the workplace level and their relationship to absenteeism, retention, and productivity of workers: Australian evidence
[Abstract] [Full text: 683 KB]
Brandon, P.D.
DP 996-93. 1993. 24 pp.
Income-pooling arrangements, economic constraints, and married mothers' child care choices
[Abstract] [Full text: 1 MB]
Brandon, P.D.
DP 995-93. 1993. 34 pp.
Are there really deadbeat dads? The relationship between ability to pay, enforcement, and compliance in nonmarital child support cases
[Abstract] [Full text: 560 KB]
Bartfeld, J. and Meyer, D.
DP 994-93. 1993. 26 pp.
Simplicity and complexity in the effects of parental structure on high school graduation
[Abstract] [Full text: 796 KB]
Wojtkiewicz, R.A.
DP 993-93. 1993. 33 pp.
Parental structure experiences of whites, blacks, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans
[Abstract] [Full text: 606 KB]
Wojtkiewicz, R.A.
DP 992-93. 1993. 23 pp.
Putting children first: Women, maternalism, and welfare in the twentieth century
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.3 MB]
Gordon, L.
DP 991-93. 1993. 38 pp.