IRP Discussion Papers - 1975

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1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
Journey to work: Metropolitan-nonmetropolitan comparisons
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Wilson, F. D.
DP 327-75. 1975. 42 pp.
Canonical correlation and the relations between sets of variables
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Wilson, F. D.
DP 325-75. 1975. 37 pp.
Income, ability, and the demand for higher education
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Bishop, J. H.
DP 323-75. 1975. 44 pp.
Some implications of uncertainty for firm and individual behaviour under a negative income tax plan
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Evans, L. T.
DP 321-75. 1975. 37 pp.
Determinants of the level and distribution of family income in metropolitan areas, 1969
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Danziger, S.
DP 320-75. 1975. 28 pp.
Can adults be hooked on college? Some determinants of adult college attendance
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Bishop, J. and Van Dyk, J.
DP 319-75. 1975. 41 pp.
The effect of job experience on earnings among middle-aged men
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Leigh, D. E.
DP 318-75. 1975. 26 pp.
School district resources, professional qualifications, and salary competition
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Klatzky, S.
DP 317-75. 1975. 56 pp.
Trends in the level and distribution of income in metropolitan areas, 1959–1969
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Danziger, S.
DP 316-75. 1975. 19 pp.
The ecology of a black business district: Sociological and historical analysis
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Wilson, F. D.
DP 315-75. 1975. 49 pp.
Models and strategies in research on attainment and opportunity
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Sørensen, A. B.
DP 314-75. 1975. 39 pp.
The economics of enforcement of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
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Beller, A. H.
DP 313-75. 1975. 62 pp.
Theoretical labor supply models and real world complications
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Dickinson, J.
DP 312-75. 1975. 79 pp.
Implicit and explicit preference structures in models of labor supply
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Dickinson, J.
DP 311-75. 1975. 90 pp.
The differentiation of occupations
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Bielby, W. T. and Kalleberg, A. L.
DP 309-75. 1975. 37 pp.
The black-white price differential in housing: Some further evidence
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Yinger, J.
DP 308-75. 1975. 60 pp.
Comparing utility functions in efficiency terms
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Weisbrod, B. A.
DP 306-75. 1975. 12 pp.
The distributional impact of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972
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Neenan, W. B.
DP 305-75. 1975. 43 pp.
Income inequality: Problems of measurement and interpretation
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Danziger, S. and Smolensky, E.
DP 304-75. 1975. 14 pp.
Location and the price of housing
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Yinger, J.
DP 303-75. 1975. 60 pp.
Is welfare bad for children?
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Macaulay, J.
DP 302-75. 1975. 42 pp.
Statistical inference in the great IQ debate
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Goldberger, A. S.
DP 301-75. 1975. 22 pp.
Economic inequality and the utilization of earnings capacity
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Garfinkel, I. and Haveman, R.
DP 300-75. 1975. 30 pp.
Earnings capacity, economic status, and poverty
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Garfinkel, I. and Haveman, R.
DP 299-75. 1975. 36 pp.
Education and the earnings of poverty-area residents
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Danziger, S.
DP 298-75. 1975. 27 pp.
Identifying structural parameters of social processes using fragmentary data
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Singer, B. and Spilerman, S.
DP 297-75. 1975. 25 pp.
Concepts of equity in the design of schemes for income redistribution
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Lampman, R. J.
DP 296-75. 1975. 14 pp.
A review article: Vietnam, the veterans, and the Veterans Administration
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Ladinsky, J.
DP 295-75. 1975. 54 pp.
"Strategic" wage goods, prices, and inequality
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Williamson, J. G.
DP 294-75. 1975. 37 pp.
Income, ability, and the demand for higher education
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Bishop, J.
DP 293-75. 1975. 39 pp.
Why don't more eligibles use food stamps?
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MacDonald, M.
DP 292-75. 1975. 30 pp.
Occupational advancement in the late 1960s: An indirect test of the dual labor market hypothesis
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Leigh, D. E.
DP 291-75. 1975. 27 pp.
Income redistribution through local government fiscs
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Neenan, W. B.
DP 290-75. 1975. 32 pp.
The relative costs of American men, skills, and machines: A long view
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Williamson, J. G.
DP 289-75. 1975. 68 pp.
Why is the rate of participation in the unemployed fathers segment of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC-Up) so low?
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Lidman, R. M.
DP 288-75. 1975. 34 pp.
Estimating earnings functions from truncated samples
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Crawford, D. L.
DP 287-75. 1975. 39 pp.
Changes in the socioeconomic stratification of the races, 1962–1973
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Featherman, D. L. and Hauser, R. M.
DP 286-75. 1975. 48 pp.
Legal Services is alive and well–in the field
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Handler, J. F. and Hollingsworth, E. J.
DP 285-75. 1975. 32 pp.
Male occupational mobility between 1965 and 1970: Evidence from the 1970 census
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Leigh, D. E.
DP 284-75. 1975. 23 pp.
On models of racial prejudice and urban residential structure
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Courant, P. N. and Yinger, J.
DP 283-75. 1975. 46 pp.
A model of the endowment of human wealth, or let's look at social policy through the eyes of the twenty-first century's adults
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Watts, H. W.
DP 282-75. 1975. 26 pp.
Ethnic conflict, community building, and the emergence of ethnic political traditions in the United States
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Eisinger, P. K.
DP 281-75. 1975. 43 pp.
Fertility and migration: The case of Puerto Rico
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Rindfuss, R. R.
DP 280-75. 1975. 25 pp.
Tax credits for employment rather than investment
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Berndt, E. R., Kesselman, J. R., and Williamson, S. H.
DP 279-75. 1975. 42 pp.
Regional differences in prejudice: Subcultural vs. personality explanations
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Middleton, R.
DP 278-75. 1975. 65 pp.
Two notes on the economics of crime: The choice of criminal victims and factors in urban crime: Comment
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Danziger, S.
DP 277-75. 1975. 29 pp.
The impact of denying self-help repossession of automobiles: A case study of the Wisconsin Consumer Act
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Whitford, W. C. and Laufer, H.
DP 276-75. 1975. 96 pp.
Sexual inequalities and socioeconomic achievement in the U.S., 1962–1973
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Featherman, D. L. and Hauser, R. M.
DP 275-75. 1975. 42 pp.
Demographic change, government transfers, and the distribution of income
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Danziger, S. and Plotnick, R.
DP 274-75. 1975. 20 pp.
A historic preface to welfare reform
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Heffernan, W. J., Jr.
DP 273-75. 1975. 36 pp.
A diagrammatic exposition of the theory of optimal income taxation
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Sadka, E.
DP 272-75. 1975. 44 pp.
Personal exemptions and per capita credits in the U.S. income tax
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Danziger, S. and Kesselman, J. R.
DP 271-75. 1975. 44 pp.
Post-FISC distribution of income: 1950, 1961, and 1970
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Reynolds, M. and Smolensky, E.
DP 270-75. 1975. 29 pp.
Loan default among black entrepreneurs forming new central city businesses
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Bradford, W. and Bates, T.
DP 269-75. 1975. 12 pp.
Exploring an urban contradiction: The divorce of municipal expenditures from social needs
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Hill, R. C.
DP 268-75. 1975. 39 pp.
Recent fertility change among high fertility minorities in the United States
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Sweet, J. A.
DP 267-75. 1975. 43 pp.
The economic welfare of the aged and income security programs
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Moon, M. L.
DP 266-75. 1975. 35 pp.
The language of participation and the language of resistance
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Edelman, M.
DP 265-75. 1975. 28 pp.
The size of the voluntary nonprofit sector: Concepts and measures
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Weisbrod, B. A. and Long, S. H.
DP 264-75. 1975. 57 pp.
Recent trends in fertility differentials among educational groups
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Rindfuss, R. R.
DP 263-75. 1975. 40 pp.
The representation of social process by Markov models
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Singer, B. and Spilerman, S.
DP 262-75. 1975. 84 pp.
Black-white differences in the occurence of job shifts
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Sørensen, A. B. and Fuerst, S.
DP 261-75. 1975. 37 pp.
The sources of American inequality, 1896–1948
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Williamson, J. G.
DP 260-75. 1975. 58 pp.
A model of discrimination by landlords
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Yinger, J.
DP 259-75. 1975. 44 pp.
The creation of political beliefs through categorization
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Edelman, M.
DP 258-75. 1975. 32 pp.
The language of inquiry and the language of authority
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Edelman, M.
DP 257-75. 1975. 23 pp.
Efficiency and equity effects of income transfer policy: A simulation analysis
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Golladay, F. and Haveman, R.
DP 256-75. 1975. 32 pp.
The challenge of dual and radical theories of the labor market to orthodox theory
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Cain, G. G.
DP 255-75. 1975. 106 pp.
A comparison of household migration determinants by poverty level and race
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Kaluzny, R. L.
DP 254-75. 1975. 28 pp.
Participation rates in the Food Stamp Program: Estimated levels, by state
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Bickel, G. and MacDonald, M.
DP 253-75. 1975. 42 pp.
An analysis of discrimination by real estate brokers
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Yinger, J.
DP 252-75. 1975. 44 pp.
Racial prejudice and locational equilibrium in an urban area
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Yinger, J.
DP 251-75. 1975. 49 pp.
Returns to education for Blacks, Anglos, and five Spanish groups
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Carliner, G.
DP 250-75. 1975. 26 pp.
Relative test performances over time of black, Spanish, and Anglo students: A case study
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Zoloth, B. S.
DP 249-75. 1975. 31 pp.
Has the melting pot worked?
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Carliner, G.
DP 240-75. 1975. 32 pp.