IRP Discussion Papers - 1995

Notes: Abstracts are plain text. Downloadable papers are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
Does welfare play any role in female headship decisions?
[Abstract] [Full text: 158.5 KB]
Hoynes, H. W.
DP 1078-95 1995. 46 pp.
Instrument selection: The case of teenage childbearing and women's educational attainment
[Abstract] [Full text: 86 KB]
Klepinger, D., Lundberg, S., Plotnick, R.
DP 1077-95. 1995. 29 pp.
An economic analysis of kin-provided child care
[Abstract] [Full text: 124 KB]
Brandon, P.D.
DP 1076-95. 1995. 39 pp.
Single mothers in various living arrangements: Differences in economic and time resources
[Abstract] [Full text: 53 KB]
Fox Folk, K.
DP 1075-95. 1995. 22 pp.
Public policies for the working poor: The earned income tax credit versus minimum wage legislation
[Abstract] [Full text: 206.5 KB]
Burkhauser, R.V., Couch, K.A., and Glenn, A.J.
DP 1074-95. 1995. 41 pp.
The effectiveness of financial work incentives in DI and SSI: Lessons from other transfer programs
[Abstract] [Full text: 110.5 KB]
Hoynes, H., and Moffitt, R.
DP 1073-95. 1995. 41 pp.
Health and medical care costs to society of teen pregnancy: Children from birth to age 14
[Abstract] [Full text: 87 KB]
DP 1072-95. 1995. 35 pp.
The Intergenerational Effects of Early Childbearing
[Abstract] [Full text: 108 KB]
Haveman, R., Wolfe, B., and Peterson, E.
DP 1071-95. 1995. 46 pp.
Revising old child support orders: The Wisconsin experience
[Abstract] [Full text: 54 KB]
Kost, K., Meyer, D., Corbett, T., and Brown, P.
DP 1070-95. 1995. 23 pp.
Perceptions of economic vulnerability: First evidence from the survey of economic expectations
[Abstract] [Full text: 42 KB]
Dominitz, J., and Manski, C.F.
DP 1069-95. 1995. 16 pp.
Beyond single mothers: Cohabition, marriage, and the U.S. welfare system
[Abstract] [Full text: 97.5 KB]
Moffitt, R.A., Reville, R., and Winkler, A.E.
DP 1068-95. 1995. 45 pp.
A nonparametric analysis of the U.S. earnings distribution
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.45 MB]
Ginther, D.K.
DP 1067-95. 1995. 74 pp.
State strategies for welfare reform: The Wisconsin Story (Revised)
[Abstract] [Full text: 153 KB]
Wiseman, M.
DP 1066-95. 1995. 48 pp.
Nonmarket outcomes of schooling
[Abstract] [Full text: 47.5 KB]
Wolfe, B., and Zuvekas, S.
DP 1065-95. 1995. 19 pp.
Agriculture and poverty in the Kentucky mountains: Beech Creek and Clay County, 1850-1910
[Abstract] [Full text: 116 KB]
Billings, D.B., and Blee, K.M.
DP 1064-95. 1995. 50 pp.
Another factor to consider in choosing a child support guideline: Errors in child support calculations
[Abstract] [Full text: 55.5 KB]
Pirog-Good, M.A., and Brown, P.A.
DP 1063-95. 1995. 26 pp.
Labor market transitions of young women over the early life course: A multistate life table analysis
[Abstract] [Full text: 171 KB]
Phang, H.S.
DP 1062-95. 1995. 26 pp.
Learning about social programs from experiments with random assignment of treatments
[Abstract] [Full text: 138 KB]
Manski, C.F.
DP 1061-95. 1995. 49 pp.
Recent trends in U.S. male work and wage patterns: An overview
[Abstract] [Full text: 100.5 KB]
Buron, L., Haveman, R., and O'Donnell, O.
DP 1060-95. 1995. 53 pp.
The Utilization of U.S. male labor, 1975-1992: Estimates of foregone work hours
[Abstract] [Full text: 118.5 KB]
Buron, L., Haveman, R., and O'Donnell, O.
DP 1059-95. 1995. 59 pp.
State AFDC rules regarding the treatment of cohabitors: 1993
[Abstract] [Full text: 38.5 KB]
Moffitt, R.A., Reville, R., and Winkler, A.E.
DP 1058-95. 1995. 21 pp.
Structural changes, employment outcomes, and population adjustments among whites and blacks: 1980-1990
[Abstract] [Full text: 132 KB]
Bound, J., and Holzer, Harry J.
DP 1057-95. 1995. 50 pp.
Take the money and run: Economic segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas
[Abstract] [Full text: 116.5 KB]
Jargowsky, P.A.
DP 1056-95. 1995. 36 pp.
Vulnerability to future dependence among former AFDC mothers
[Abstract] [Full text: 58 KB]
Brandon, P.D.
DP 1055-95. 1995. 26 pp.
Poverty: The problem of the overview
[Abstract] [Full text: 75 KB]
Mead, L.M.
DP 1054-95. 1995. 33 pp.
"Ending welfare as we know it": Another exercise in symbolic politics
[Abstract] [Full text: 63 KB]
Handler, J.F.
DP 1053-95. 1995. 28 pp.