IRP Discussion Papers - 2003

Notes: Abstracts are plain text. Downloadable papers are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
Does Household Food Security Affect Cognitive and Social Development of Kindergartners?
[Abstract] [Full text: 415 KB]
Stormer, A., and Harrison, G.G.
DP 1276-03. 2003. 46 pp.
Transitions in Welfare Participation and Female Headship
[Abstract] [Full text: 802 KB]
Fitzgerald, J.M., and Ribar, D.C.
DP 1275-03. 2003. 30 pp.
The Effect of Increases in Welfare Mothers' Education on Their Young Children's Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: Evidence from the National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies Child Outcomes Study
[Abstract] [Full text: 964 KB]
Magnuson, K.
DP 1274-03. 2003. 61 pp.
Contextual Complexity and Violent Delinquency among Black and White Males
[Abstract] [Full text: 164 KB]
Bruce, M.A.
DP 1273-03. 2003. 38 pp.
The Devil May Be in the Details: How the Characteristics of SCHIP Programs Affect Take-Up
[Abstract] [Full text: 580 KB]
Wolfe, B., Scrivner, S., with Snyder, A.
DP 1272-03. 2003. 39 pp.
Universal Preschool: Much to Gain but Who Will Pay?
[Abstract] [Full text: 298 KB]
Scrivner, S. and Wolfe, B.
DP 1271-03. 2003. 80 pp.
State Fiscal Responses to Welfare Reform during Recessions: Lessons for the Future
[Abstract] [Full text: 132 KB]
Chernick, H., and Reschovsky, A.
DP 1270-03. 2003. 25 pp.
Escaping Low Earnings: The Role of Employer Characteristics and Changes
[Abstract] [Full text: 644 KB]
Holzer, H.J., Lane, J.I., and Vilhuber, L.
DP 1269-03. 2003. 32 pp.
Employer Demand for Ex-Offenders: Recent Evidence from Los Angeles
[Abstract] [Full text: 499 KB]
Holzer, H.J., Raphael, S., and Stoll, M.A.
DP 1268-03. 2003. 35 pp.
Employers in the Boom: How Did the Hiring of Unskilled Workers Change during the 1990s?
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.7 MB]
Holzer, H.J., Raphael, S., and Stoll, M.A.
DP 1267-03. 2003. 46 pp.
Minimum Wage Effects on Labor Market Outcomes under Search with Bargaining
[Abstract] [Full text: 1 MB]
Flinn, C.J.
DP 1266-03. 2003. 56 pp.
The Role of Non-Financial Factors in Exit and Entry in the TANF Program
[Abstract] [Full text: 327 KB]
Moffitt, R.
DP 1265-03. 2003. 66 pp.
The Role of Randomized Field Trials in Social Science Research: A Perspective from Evaluations of Reforms of Social Welfare Programs.
[Abstract] [Full text: 165 KB]
Moffitt, R.A.
DP 1264-03. 2003. 58 pp.
Managing to Parent: Social Support, Social Capital, and Parenting Practices among Welfare-Participating Mothers with Young Children
[Abstract] [Full text: 314 KB]
Fram, M.S.
DP 1263-03. 2003. 33 pp.
Food Stamp Program Participation of Refugees and Immigrants: Measurement Error Correction for Immigrant Status
[Abstract] [Full text: 1.3MB]
Bollinger, C. and Hagstrom, P.
DP 1262-03. 2003. 44 pp.
Labor Specialization, Ethnicity, and Metropolitan Labor Markets
[Abstract] [Full text: 251KB]
Wilson, F.D.
DP 1261-03. 2003. 47 pp.
Milton Friedman, the Negative Income Tax, and the Evolution of U.S. Welfare Policy
[Abstract] [Full text: 335KB]
Moffitt, R.A.
DP 1260-03. 2003. 31 pp.
The Dynamics of Prenatal WIC Participation
[Abstract] [Full text: 228KB]
Swann, C.A.
DP 1259-03. 2003. 30 pp.