IRP Special Reports
Note: Special Reports are listed in reverse order of
report number. Downloadable reports are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. The
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Note: Special Reports published before 1995 (SR10 - SR66) were digitized in the summer of 2008. These scanned versions
are often large files.
Wisconsin's Family Care Long-Term Care Pilot Program: Care Managers' Perspectives on Progress and Challenges
S. A. Robert
SR87. September 2003. 38 pp. 556 KB.
Food Insecurity in Wisconsin, 1996-2000
J. Bartfeld and C. David
SR86. April 2003. 31 pp. 736 KB.
The Employment, Earnings, and Income of Single Mothers in Wisconsin Who Left Cash Assistance: Comparisons among Three Cohorts
M. Cancian, R. Haveman, D. R. Meyer, and B. Wolfe
SR85. January 2003. 53 pp. 836 KB.
Forgiveness of State-Owed Child Support Arrears
J. Bartfeld
SR84. February 2003. 43 pp. 164 KB.
Children's Living Arrangements in Divorced Wisconsin Families with Shared Placement
M. L. Krecker, P. Brown, M. S. Melli, and L. Wimer
SR83. September 2002 (revised June 2003). 64 pp. 455
Patterns of Long-Term Utilization of Medicaid and Food Stamps by Wisconsin Welfare Leavers
R. Haveman, T. Kaplan, B. Wolfe, with S. Barone
SR82. July 2002. 146 pp. 3 MB.
Self-Sufficiency of Former Foster Youth in Wisconsin: Analysis
of Unemployment Insurance Wage Data and Public Assistance Data
A. Dworsky and M.E. Courtney
SR81. August 2001. 59 pp. 230 KB.
Early Evidence from Wisconsin's Family Care Long-Term Care
Pilot Program: Continuity and Change in the Provision of Formal Services
S. Robert
SR80. July 2001. 32 pp. 194 KB.
The Take-Up of Medicaid and Food Stamps by Welfare Leavers:
The Case of Wisconsin
M. Cancian, R. Haveman, T. Kaplan, D. Meyer, I. Rothe, B. Wolfe, with S. Barone
SR 79. June 2001. 40 pp. 222 KB.
Child Care Quality: Does It Matter and Does It Need to Be
D.L. Vandell and B. Wolfe
SR 78. November 2000. 110 pp. 622
Executive Summary (pdf, 105 KB)
Before and After TANF: The Economic Well-Being of Women
Leaving Welfare
M. Cancian, R. Haveman, D.R. Meyer, and B. Wolfe
SR 77. May 2000. 62 pp. 135 KB.
Outcomes for Low-Income Families under the Wisconsin AFDC
Program: Understanding the Baseline So That We Can Estimate the Effects of Welfare
M. Cancian, T. Kaplan, and D.R. Meyer
SR 76. 1999. 90 pp. 173 KB.
Post-Exit Earnings and Benefit Receipt among Those Who Left
AFDC in Wisconsin
M. Cancian, R. Haveman, T. Kaplan, and B. Wolfe
SR 75. 1999. 95 pp. 214 KB.
Estimated Effects of the Optional Review of Child Support
Orders for TANF Cases
D. Meyer and A.L. Dworsky
SR 74. 1997. 61 pp. 139KB.
Indicators as Tools for Managing and Evaluating Programs
at the National, State, and Local Levels of Government - Practical and Theoretical
J. Koshel
SR 73. 1997. 30 pp. 74KB.
Social Indicators of Child and Family Well-Being: A Profile
of Six State Systems
B. Brown, G. Kirby, and C. Botsko
SR 72. 1997. 127 pp. 243KB.
Social Indicators and Public Policy in the Age of Devolution
B. Brown and T. Corbett
SR 71. 1997. 62 pp. 192KB.
Informing the Welfare Debate: Perspectives on the Transformation
of Social Policy
T. Corbett, T. Kaplan, M. Wiseman, and R. Swartz
SR 70. April 1997. 164 pp.
Table of Contents and Introduction
Full text (438KB)
Evaluating Comprehensive State Welfare Reforms: A Conference
Various authors
SR 69. 1997. 273 pp.
Table of Contents and Introduction
Full text (1.1MB)
Comparison of National and Poor Households: Results of a
Survey of Consumer Knowledge and Risk Perceptions of Food-Related Biotechnologies
R. Douthitt, L. Zepeda, and D. Grobe
SR 68. 1996. 58 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (160KB)
A Profile of the AFDC Caseload in Wisconsin: Implications
for a Work-Based Welfare Reform Strategy
D.R. Meyer and M. Cancian
SR 67. 1995. 68 pp. (190KB)
Note: Special Reports published before 1995 (SR10 - SR66) were digitized in the summer of 2008. These scanned versions
are often large files.
Developing a Child Support Assurance Program for Minnesota
D.R. Meyer, T. Kaplan, T. Corbett, with I. Garfinkel
SR 66. 1995. 92 pp. (3.1MB)
Welfare Reform in the 104th Congress, Congressional Forum
III. Strategies for Self-Sufficiency: Jobs, Earnings, Child Support and the
Earned Income Tax Credit
Various authors
SR 65. 1995. 89 pp. (4.4MB)
Welfare Reform in the 104th Congress, Congressional Forum
II. Patterns, Causes, and Consequences of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing: What
Can Government Do?
Various authors
SR 64. 1995. 73 pp. (3.1MB)
Gambling in Wisconsin: A Third Look at Wisconsin Lottery
I. Piliavin and J. Rossol
SR 63. 1995. 98 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (3.4MB)
A Telephone Survey of State AFDC Rules Regarding Cohabitation
and Marriage: Description and Findings
R.A. Moffitt, R. Reville, and A.E. Winkler
SR 62. 1995. 147 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (4.3MB)
Welfare Reform in the 104th Congress, Congressional Forum
I. Welfare Block Grants: Advantages and Disadvantages
Various authors
SR 61. 1995. 57 pp. (2.2MB)
Indicators of Children's Well-Being: Cross-Cutting Issues;
Population, Family, and Neighborhood; Social Development and Problem Behaviors
Various authors
SR 60C. 1995. 189 pp. (2.9MB) [Conference proceedings
have been published by Russell Sage]
Indicators of Children's Well-Being: Child Heath, Education,
and Economic Security
Various authors
SR 60B. 1995. 310 pp. (4.7MB) [Conference proceedings
have been published by Russell Sage]
Indicators of Children's Well-Being: Background Papers and
Rapporteurs' Comments
Various authors
SR 60A. 1995. 99 pp. (4MB) [Conference proceedings
have been published by Russell Sage]
The Impact of Percentage-Expressed Child Support Orders
on Payments
J. Bartfeld and I. Garfinkel
SR 59. 1995. 30 pp. (943KB)
The Changing Role of Labor Force Statistics for Economic
Policies of the 1990s
G. Cain
SR 58. 1994. 107 pp. (3.8MB)
Assessing the Long-Term Effects of Foster Care: A Research
T. McDonald, R. Allen, A. Westerfelt, and I. Piliavin
SR 57. 1993. 183 pp. (2.3MB)
Paternity Establishment: A Public Policy Conference. Vol.
II: Studies of the Circumstances of Mothers and Fathers
Various authors
SR 56B. 1992. 263 pp. (3.7MB)
Paternity Establishment: A Public Policy Conference. Vol.
I: Overview, History, and Current Practice
Various authors
SR 56A. 1992. 185 pp. (3.3MB)
Utilization and Effects on Payments of Percentage-Expressed
Child Support Orders
J. Bartfeld and I. Garfinkel
SR55. 1992. 35 pp. (1.1MB)
Lottery Play among Wisconsin Residents: A Second Look at
Who Plays and How Much They Spend
I. Piliavin and B.R.E. Wright
SR54. 1992. 65 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2MB)
Final Report of the IRP National Advisory Committee: Evaluation
and Recommendations
IRP National Advisory Committee
SR 53. 1992. 18 pp. (822KB)
Digest of the Social Experiments
D. Greenberg and M. Shroder
SR52. 1991. 233 pp. (2.8MB)
Alternative Estimates of the Cost of Children from the 1980-86
Consumer Expenditure Survey
D.M. Betson
SR51. 1990. 197 pp. (4.5MB)
Who Plays the Lottery? A Comparison of Patterns in Wisconsin
and the Nation
I. Piliavin and M. Polakowski
SR50. 1990. 107 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2.8MB)
The Effects of Medicaid on Welfare Dependency and Work
R. Moffitt and B. Wolfe
SR49. 1990. 110 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (3MB)
Incentive Effects of the U.S. Welfare System: A Review
R. Moffitt
SR 48. 1991. 120 pp. (4.1MB)
An Evaluation of Vertical Equity in Wisconsin’s Percentage-of-Income
Standard for Child Support
R.A. Douthitt
SR 47. 1988. 54 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (3MB)
Work and the U.S. Welfare System: A Review
R. Moffitt
SR 46. 1988. 84 pp. (2.9MB)
A systematic comparison of community care demonstrations
P. Kemper, R. Applebaum, and M. Harrigan
SR 45. 1987. 131 pp. (3.9MB)
The disabled from 1962 to 1984: Trends in number, composition, and well-being
R. Haveman and B. Wolfe
SR 44. 1987. 85 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2.3MB)
Conference summary: Poverty and social policy: The minority experience
Various authors
SR 43. 1987. 37 pp. (1.6MB)
Utilization and effects of immediate income withholding and the percentage-of-income
standard: An interim report on the Child Support Assurance demonstration
I. Garfinkel
SR 42. (Revised) 1986. 42 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (1.5MB)
Trends in AFDC participation over time: Evidence on structural change
R. Moffitt
SR 41. 1986. 63 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (1.9MB)
Living arrangements, employment, schooling and welfare recipiency of young
R. Hutchens, G. Jakubson, and S. Schwartz
SR 40. 1986. 173 pp. (1.7MB)
Immediate income withholding: A preliminary analysis of its effects on child
support collections for AFDC cases
I. Garfinkel and Q. Sullivan
SR 39. 1986. 22 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (888KB)
Losing Ground: A Critique
S. McLanahan, G. Cain, M. Olneck, I, Piliavin, S. Danziger, and P. Gottschalk
SR 38. 91 pp. 1985. (2.8MB)
The economic analysis of labor market discrimination: A survey
G. Cain
SR 37. 1985. 165 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2MB)
Discrepancies in projecting future public and private pension benefits: A
comparison and critique of two micro-data simulation models
R. Haveman and J. Lacker
SR 36. 1984. 124 pp. (4.1MB)
The effects of potential child support transfers on Wisconsin AFDC costs,
caseloads and recipient well-being
D. Oellerich
SR 35. 1984. 200 pp. (2.1MB)
Wisconsin study of absent fathers’ ability to pay more child support
T. McDonald, J. Moran, and I. Garfinkel
SR 34. 1983. 74 pp. (2.2MB)
Child support: A survey of the statutes
M. Melli
SR 33. 1984. 397 pp. (5.3MB)
Child support: Weaknesses of the old and features of a proposed new system,
Vol. I
I. Garfinkel and M. Melli, eds.
SR 32A. 1982. 68 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2.7MB)
Child support: A demonstration of the Wisconsin Child Support Reform Program
and issue papers, Vol. II
I. Garfinkel and M. Melli, eds.
SR 32B. 1982. 132 pp. (4.8MB)
Child support: Technical papers, Vol. III
I. Garfinkel and M. Melli, eds.
SR 32C. 1982. 152 pp. (4.8MB)
Tax credits to stimulate the employment of disadvantaged workers
T. Corbett, S. Masters, and J. Moran
SR 31. 1981. 77 pp. (2.7MB)
New American family
budget standards
Expert Committee on Family Budget Revisions
SR 30. 1980. 158 pp. (2.5MB)
Evaluating the Targeted Jobs Tax Credit
J. Bishop and G. Cain
SR 29. 1981. 45 pp. (1.3MB)
Nutritional program options for maternal and child health
B. Popkin, J. Akin, M. Kaufman, M. MacDonald, and D. Spicer
SR 28. 1980. 203 pp. (2.9MB)
Rural poverty, human resources and welfare policy
S. Seninger and T. Smeeding
SR 27. 1980. 74 pp. (2.5MB)
Changes in the relative labor force status of black and white youths: A review
of the literature
R. Mare and C. Winship
SR 26. 1980. 43 pp. (1.6MB)
Citizens view taxation and tax reforms for Wisconsin
M. David
SR 25. 1980. 101 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (3.7MB)
Targeted employment subsidies: Issues of structure and design
J. Bishop and R. Haveman
SR 24. 1978. 65 pp. (2.9MB)
Potential for planned experimentation in the DOL regulatory area
S. Masters, D. Zimmerman, K. Holden, J. Jones, R. Kaluzny, S. Meives, and C.
SR 23. 1979. 88 pp. (3.3MB)
Labor supply and social welfare benefits in the United States
R. Lampman
SR 22. 1978. 41 pp. (1.4MB)
The implications of changing family patterns and behavior for labor force
and hardship measurement
H. Watts and F. Skidmore
SR 21. 1978. 66 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (2.3MB)
Labor force concepts and definitions in view of their purposes
G. Cain
SR 20. 1978. 82 pp. (3MB)
Jobs, cash transfers, and marital instability: A review of the evidence
J. Bishop
SR 19. 1977. 44 pp. (1.5MB)
Research uses of the National Longitudinal Surveys
W. Bielby, C. Hawley, and D. Bills
SR 18. 1977. 138 pp. (4.9MB)
Vouchers for creating jobs, education, and training: VOCJET, an employment-oriented
strategy for reducing poverty
J. Bishop
SR 17. 1977. 37 pp. (1.4MB)
The administration of a wage rate subsidy
J. Bishop
SR 16A. 1977. 36 pp. (1.5MB)
A benefit-cost and policy analysis of the Netherlands Social Employment program
R. Haveman
SR 15. 1977. 197 pp. (4.6MB)
Demographic trends affecting the future labor force
K. Taeuber
SR 14. 1976. 91 pp. (4.2MB)
The effects of welfare reform alternatives on the family
K. Bradbury, et al.
SR 13. 1977. 80 pp.
Introduction and Summary
Full text (2.9MB)
Welfare reform alternatives: Employment subsidy proposals versus the negative
income tax
R. Lerman
SR 12. 1977. 47 pp. (1.7MB)
Conference on the trend in income inequality in the U.S.
M. Taussig and S. Danziger
SR 11. 1976. 109 pp. (3.9MB)
The Rural Income Maintenance Experiment: Summary report
D. Bawden, et al.
SR 10. 1976. 97 pp.
Executive Summary
Full text (3.6MB)