Jamila Michener

Associate Professor
Co-Director, Cornell Center for Health Equity


Department of Government
Cornell University

Jamila Michener

Jamila Michener is an associate professor in the Department of Government at Cornell University. Her research focuses on poverty, racial inequality and public policy in the United States. Her recent book, Fragmented Democracy: Medicaid, Federalism and Unequal Politics (Cambridge University Press) examines how Medicaid affects democratic citizenship. Fragmented Democracy assesses American political life from the vantage point(s) of those who are living in or near poverty, (disproportionately) black or Latino, and reliant on a federated government for vital resources. New work will ultimately result in a book on the determinants and consequences of unequal access to civil representation for low-income Americans and how lack of access to civil justice can deepen poverty and reproduce inequality.

Follow on Twitter: @povertyscholar

Jamila Michener was a 2018–2019 Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellow.

Jamila Michener's Research Interests

  • Health policy
  • Housing policy
  • Medicaid
  • Racial inequality/racism
  • Power
  • Politics

Jamila Michener's home page