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Placement Outcomes for Children of Divorce in Wisconsin

National and state placement policies have changed in recent years, no longer invariably favoring the placement of children with their mothers. This research, using IRP’s court record data, is documenting changes in the proportion of cases that result in sole placement with the mother or the father, and in variations of split or shared placement decisions. In May 2000, state policy was again revised to encourage arrangements maximizing the amount of time children spend with both parents. IRP is assessing the extent to which policy changes may have affected placement arrangements.
Child Support Demonstration Evaluation, Volume II: Fathers of Children in W-2 Families
Full text of Volume II (PDF, 4.34 MB)
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Fathers of Children in W-2 Families: Results of an Analysis of Administrative and Survey Data
Chapter 2: An Ethnographic Inquiry into the Life Experiences of African American Fathers with Children on W-2


Child Support, Child Support Policy Research, Custody & Placement
