How is Poverty Measured?
- Video
- July 2020
Measuring How Social Relationships Contribute to the Outcomes of Program Participants
- Phillip Graham, Megan Smith, Maureen Berner, and Laura Erickson
- Webinar
- April 1 2020
Cutting Child Poverty in Half: Directions for Policymakers
- Fast Focus Policy Brief
- April 2020
Heather Hill on Why Disruptions in Income Might Matter for Child Development
- Heather Hill
- Podcasts
- August 2018
Making a difference over 50 years
- Rebecca M. Blank
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Special Issue 2017
An Intelligent Consumer’s Guide to Poverty Measurement
- Timothy Smeeding and Kathleen Short
- Webinar
- May 14 2014
Post-1970 Trends in Within-Country Inequality and Poverty: Rich and Middle Income Countries
- Salvatore Morelli, Timothy Smeeding, and Jeffrey Thompson
- Discussion Paper
- March 2014
Changing Poverty and Changing Antipoverty Policies
- Maria Cancian and Sheldon Danziger
- Discussion Paper
- April 2009